AJC conducted a study visit to Hokuto-city, Yamanashi with 9 participants from ASEAN Member States officials, who are mostly AJC Tourism working group members, on 30 September 2022. The group visited Suntory Minami Alps mineral water plant and Kinseiken Seika Company that produces Japanese traditional sweets from local ingredients.
Through the information exchange session, the participants learned about Hokuto-city’s efforts to form a sustainable society primarily through tourism while the representatives of ASEAN participants introduced the current status of sustainable tourism promotion in ASEAN. Their presentations on AMS’s efforts to realize the SDGs included various activities in Langkawi, Malaysia, in which tourists can contribute to SDGs, and Boracay Island in the Philippines, which reopened after a six-month closure and rehabilitation period.
All post-activity questionnaire respondents agreed they learned examples of sustainable tourism, and it is expected that the findings will be used for tourism promotion.
This activity was co-organized by Hokuto-city and Hokuto City Corporate Networking Meeting with the cooperation of Kanto District Transport Bureau, MLIT.