Activity Reports

ASEAN Class at School in March 2022

The ASEAN-Japan Centre conducted school-visits to the following schools. This project aims to deepen understanding of students on the ASEAN Member States. The lectures were given in Japanese language mainly by ASEAN nationals living in Japan to introduce their own countries. 

Nakamiya Elementary School, Hirakata-city, Osaka  

Date: 4 March 2022 
Class: 6th grades (2 classes) 
Featured countries: Cambodia, Thailand 
Content: Food culture, sceneries, relationship between Japan, Japanese companies, import & export, differences between Japan 

Kayama Elementary School, Kuki-city, Saitama (Hybrid lecture) 

Date: 9 March 2022 
Class: 6th grade (1 class) 
Featured country: Malaysia 
Content: Culture, language, religion, school life, ordinary life, children’s play, food, relationship between Japan, trade

Shiba Commercial High School, Minato-ku, Tokyo 

Date: 18 March 2022 
Class: 1st grade (5 classes) 
Featured country: Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam 
Content: General country information, Develop business plan for foreigners in Japan  

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